ADHD friendly organization strategies don’t work without ADHD friendly storage options. There, I said it. It’s true. Generally, the more efficient the storage option, the more likely it is to work for those of us with ADHD. They may not be the most aesthetically pleasing ways to store and organize, though you can make them […]
How to Organize the Kitchen & Keep it Clean When You Struggle with ADHD
The kitchen is one of the hardest places to keep clean. The whole family goes in and out so much each day and every activity we do in the kitchen involves a strong potential for mess. And when you have ADHD, the difficulty only escalates. My kitchen used to be pretty…gross. That was before I […]
7 Devastating Organization Mistakes You Are Making if you have ADHD
It’s not a huge secret that organizational strategies promoted by the “gurus” don’t typically work well for those of us with ADHD (or anyone else with executive function difficulties). But what often feels like a secret is why they don’t work. And since we don’t understand why they aren’t working for us, we tend to […]
I Hate Cleaning! 9 Affordable Products to Save Your Sanity
I hate cleaning but I love a clean house. It really sucks that in order to get that calm sigh of relief that comes from a nice, neat environment you have to do something as god awful as clean. I know, I know…first world problems. But cleaning really sucks. That’s why I’ve spent way too […]
The Most Genius Tips for Organizing and Cleaning with ADHD
If you have ADHD, a messy house is a seemingly never ending problem. It’s one of the more frustrating parts of our lives. Yes, we are MESSY! But organizing and cleaning with ADHD CAN get easier when you learn how to make it work with your unique brain. Scouts honor. Most tips for organizing and […]