For 28 years, I thought I had anxiety. Turns out, it was ADHD. Unfortunately, misdiagnosis is the same for millions of women. For us, ADHD looks just different enough to throw most people off the scent. Forgetful? Overwhelmed? Distracted? Can’t get yourself to do things you need to do? You sound anxious. You sound depressed. […]
Self Improvement
The Key to Getting Motivated When You Have ADHD
Procrastination. Frustrating isn’t it? Especially when you’d like nothing more than to cross this nagging task off your list but you can’t seem to get yourself motivated to do it. And it ends up there indefinitely. Some people think that having ADHD means you are required to naturally have a lack of motivation. Like the […]
When you have ADHD, Medication is Worth it. Here’s a big reason why.
Every time you turn around, someone is making a big deal about not taking medication for ADHD. Here’s why I take it, encourage others to consider it, and am not ashamed to say it. I’ve always been thankful for my husband. I knew from the moment that I met him that he was a great […]
The Best Mental Hack to Overcome Your Fear of Failure
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You’re mindset is often a big part of what holds you back in life. Your circumstances present obstacles, but your mindset is often what prevents us from overcoming them. One common mindset shift where most of us need help is in overcoming our fear of failure. […]
Will a Gluten Free Diet Cure Your ADHD Symptoms?
We’ve all heard the stories. So and so started a gluten free diet and it made their ADHD symptoms SO much better! Better focus! Better Memory! The kids are so much calmer without gluten. It really makes you wonder, is there anything to it? Gluten, Celiac, Gluten Sensitivity, and ADHD Gluten is a protein that’s […]
6 Productivity Tools to Tackle Distractions at Work
Everyone gets distracted at work from time to time; if you have ADHD like me, those distractions add up fast, right?! Wouldn’t it be fabulous if there were productivity tools that could help? Lucky you, it’s 2019 and technology has some good stuff to help aid your memory and time management, reduce distractions at work, […]
How to Be a Better Problem Solver: Tools to Succeed
Having great problem solving tools has been my secret ingredient to overcoming some of the biggest struggles I’ve faced in life. It’s that skill that you may not even realize that you need until someone spells it out for you in explicit detail. The truth is, most people aren’t very good at it and it […]
Signs of ADHD (As Seen on TV)
Ever watched your favorite show and thought, “Wow! That was such an ADHD moment!” ? TV is a great place to see the signs of ADHD in action: attention problems, impulse control, hyperactivity, and on it goes. You just have to know where to look! If you’ve ever wondered if you could have ADHD, here […]
ADHD & eating disorders: What You Need to Know
It’s only in recent years that we’ve really started to uncover the link between ADHD and eating disorders or weight. What we’ve found so far has been pretty shocking. ADHD and Binge Eating, Bulimia, and Obesity share the strongest links. Until digging into the numbers, I had no idea. But ADHD impacts every part of […]
Do I Have ADHD or Anxiety? Here’s How to Tell
Do I have Anxiety or ADHD? Forget ‘To be, or not to be?’ This is the real question and it can be a surprisingly tough one to answer (especially when they occur together, but we’ll get to that). If you’ve been around Little Miss Lionheart for long, you probably know that I’m a mental health […]