You’ve probably read a lot of stuff on the internet about how to live a happy life…but you’re still not feeling any better. What gives? The unfortunate truth is, you’re not alone. According to the 2019 World Happiness Report, negative feelings are rising around the world—and the United States is particularly hard-hit with an “epidemic […]
Mental Wellness
What to Do When You Are Bored at Home Alone & Can’t Stand it
Whether you are stuck inside on a rainy day, a weekend with nothing to do, or unexpectedly quarantined (ahem, hello 2020), you need some ideas to fight the boredom. I’ve been stuck inside for the last week and, although I’m a definite introvert, at some point the boredom gets out of hand. Here’s some ideas […]
How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution This Year
There is a subset of the population for whom the act of setting (and keeping) New Year resolutions is a beautiful fantasy. We’re talking unicorns and flying chocolate Pegasus material here. Anyone else in this exclusive club? Keeping new year goals can be so difficult. There are more than a few reasons for that. Unrealistic […]
How to Use Exercise to Help Your Mental Health the Most
You may have heard how exercise can be a huge benefit for your mental health. In case you didn’t know that, it’s true. But which exercise helps mental health the most? In my work with women who have survived the worst of the worst, exercise is the #1 coping skill most of my ladies report […]
How to Actually Enjoy the Holidays Even if You Hate Christmas
Do you roll your eyes every time you hear that Christmas is the “most wonderful time of the year!” but wish you could actually enjoy the holidays or at least hate Christmas a little less? This was my husband for the last 10 years we’ve been married (at least). I love the holidays, he hates […]
How to be More Positive: 5 Smart Tactics that Really Work
When we’re wishing life were different, better, happier…we often don’t think about how we can be more positive. Instead, we go on the hunt for things or people that will just take it all away. But learning how to be more positive really can change your life. Thankfully, my friend Lachlan Brown from Hackspirit has […]
The Best Mental Hack to Overcome Your Fear of Failure
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You’re mindset is often a big part of what holds you back in life. Your circumstances present obstacles, but your mindset is often what prevents us from overcoming them. One common mindset shift where most of us need help is in overcoming our fear of failure. […]
Good Food, Good Mood: Recipes to Make You Drool
Food plays a big part in how we feel. From the energy we have throughout the day to the intensity of the emotions we experience. Certain foods are good for your mental health; We’ll call it Mood Food. Mood Food provides key vitamins and minerals that uplift and strengthen our mental fortitude. For some, it […]
The Couch Potato’s Guide to Finding Workout Motivation
You know those people that get up at the butt crack of dawn with the motivation to workout? I don’t understand those people. Me and 5 am are not friends. If you aren’t that person either, but still want to learn how to find workout motivation, these tips are for you! But first, the why… […]
Will a Gluten Free Diet Cure Your ADHD Symptoms?
We’ve all heard the stories. So and so started a gluten free diet and it made their ADHD symptoms SO much better! Better focus! Better Memory! The kids are so much calmer without gluten. It really makes you wonder, is there anything to it? Gluten, Celiac, Gluten Sensitivity, and ADHD Gluten is a protein that’s […]