ADHD is a struggle. Well, more like a series of struggles all sabotaging you at once and if you don’t laugh, you might cry. We can’t have that—not for this post, anyway. These ADHD memes will help you find the humor in the midst of ADHD frustration. They are, after all, the best freaking ones on the internet.
Seriously, though. It really, really is. I’ve broken down on the side of the road enough times to verify it as the sabotage that it is. And when ADHD assures you, “Nah, it’ll be fine” Spoiler alert: it won’t be. And when it follows up with, “You’ve got plenty to make it” just trust me, babe… you probably don’t.
I mean, memes are as good an information source as anything right? And in bite sized, hopefully hilarious pieces that are super easy to focus on. It’s not a bad plan.
Oh ADHD time blindness, how I love, thee. Let me count the ways…. *crickets*
But The Good Place? Ted Danson? Now that’s a different story.
I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like “YES” is the only true answer here. And somehow both at the same time? Is that possible? Has to be. Maybe THAT is the ADHD superpower.
I Love (and HATE) this meme (in equal parts). It takes forever to focus. Like FOREVER. Then with one small interruption it’s all for not. And worst of all is when you put two ADHD people together since we struggle with this but also tend to interrupt others frequently. It’s a vicious cycle.
This is definitely a thing. But WHY is it a thing? The professional tells you, the meds help, the memes are on point, your ADHD friends struggle with the same stuff…. but the ADHD brain remains unconvinced. It’s quite rude.
I’m just saying. Productivity isn’t fun. And even if it is fun, it’s not as fun as procrastinating. That’s where the interests lie. Can you really blame us for getting seduced?
This one makes me laugh every time. But, like, in a sheepish kind of way that totally betrays me as guilty. I am in this meme and don’t want to be. BUT, if you’re in need of motivation, here’s some strategies to help a girl out.
The forgetting. The pacing. We should all really be in great shape, shouldn’t we? The number of times I return to check that I did, actually turn the stove off adds up to like…a mile, I think. It should totally count. BTW, if you aren’t already familiar, Dani Donovan has some of my favorite ADHD memes and graphics out there. Definitely check ’em out.
Ah, yes. The guessing game, brain buster, what-was-the-point-of-making-the-list list game. Fun times with ADHD. I’ve resorted to taking pictures of the list with my phone the second I’m done making it because otherwise I’m forgetting half of what I need and coming back for it later.
So. Much. Fun. Let me tell ya. You get those two in a brain together and let the good times roll. And how rude is it that most of us with ADHD struggle with a certain amount of perfectionism? One of the great injustices of the universe, I suppose.
To be fair, cleaning is the worst. And finding the gloriousness of something once lost deserves a few hours of nostalgic respect and enjoyment. But when you’re ready for cleaning, round two, here are some tips to help.
Mhm, that all ilusive ‘somewhere safe’ is another form of ADHD self sabotage. Should be a good idea. But it totally isn’t. I try to look for somewhere logical instead–ie what is the first place I’d think to look for this the next time I need it?
Indeed. And, is it just me, or do you have to like completely cover your ears just to think about what it was you came for? No? Just me?
I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me! So many. So, so many. I guess the good news is with that level of forgetting, we get to learn/enjoy the same thing several times before it gets old. That’s good, since things get old oh so quickly.
Hehe, the snark on this one is fun. So is the self deprecation. Though, sometimes the answer might be the short interesting span, too…
I laughed and had to share this one with the Mr. Lionheart who might struggle with this one more than I do. Totally an ADHD thing and one that adds up fast both financially and clutter-a-torally. That’s totally a word, just don’t try looking it up. It’s a…new invention.
To be fair, with nearly 10,000 unread emails, it’s really easy for stuff to get lost, delayed, etc… The solution is to clean out my inbox, you say? Get out of here with your negativity. I’ll clean it out when I can muster up the dopamine to get it done.
You may lose the point, but an ADHD story is rich and intricate with fascinating side quests that people should learn to appreciate and enjoy. Yes, the one story may turn out to be several half told stories that never fully resolve, but that just makes it more interesting.
Is it bad that I win every time I play this game? Like, right out of the gate, I’ve got Bingo three ways to Sunday. Bad news, though, the winner gets overwhelm for their prize and we already have that in spades. But if overwhelm is keeping you from getting things done, this article has been referred to as the handbook ADHDers have been missing all their lives. No joke.
UHG, yes. Planning, prioritizing, organizing, getting motivated, getting started–it’s all hell on earth with ADHD, especially when the task is something really boring or dull. I’d almost rather gouge my eyes out. A slight exaggeration, but still.
In other words, she’s a 10 and she always keeps you on your toes. I fail to see the problem here.
Just kidding. Living on the interest extremes is frustrating as all get out. Are you so hyper-focused you forget to pee and barely make it to the bathroom in time? Or are you living on the brink of stress and dread struggling to muster up enough interest to get it done?
ADHD is so delightfully inconsistent, why wouldn’t there be four different ways (at least) that we communicate, and none of them all that helpful? I really hope the sarcasm comes through nice and clear there.
So THAT’S how it works. Good to know. If only I’d figured this out sooner. Could have avoided a few frustrations, nightmares, and other good times.
We DO like to believe in fairytales like the myth of the perfect planner, the tale of “I don’t need to write it down, I’ll remember it” and one of my personal favorites “Once upon a time I put my social security card a safe place…”
Ah yes, the ‘helpful’ ADHD sidekick, decision paralysis who’s super power is sabotaguing the productive energy that managed to survive the ‘getting started mountain’ and ‘valley of low dopamine.’ The foes of ADHD are endless, it seems.
I’ve been obsessed with gothic stories recently. Maybe that’s why this meme is probably my favorite one up here. I shared it with Mr. Lionheart convinced he’d find it as hilarious as me. You can probably guess where this is going…
I don’t want it to be true but…it definitely is. I might even look a bit MORE rabid than Charlie here. It’s fine. It’s…fine.
I mean, sometimes it’s fun. Not at work though. And not when you’re a back seat driver trying to yell out a warning and can’t remember the word you’re looking for. *Panic pointing* “NOW NOW NOW!!!” [Meaning: turn down that road. Hope you figured it out in time.]
Mr. Lionheart and I have an agreement that if one of us dies, the other is to delete their search history pronto. Just in case. Don’t want anyone coming across the weird, uncomfortable, and occassionally disturbing curiosities and coming to the wrong conclusion.
All. The. Time. You’d think with the number of times I’ve had to trash that form and start over or cross it out and re-do it that I’d learn to read the form fully BEFORE writing anything down. You would think.
I will elaborate. Then repeat the elaboration. Then get lost in a detail or two. Then elaborate a little more. then forget what we’re talking about and scramble mentally to find it again. Then get distracted and end up in a different story, struggling to make a totally different point. You’re welcome.
So our stories take the scenic route. That just makes it more interesting and informative so I don’t see the problem.
Oh this little frustrating ADHD reality right here is one of my greatest rivals. It’s 9am and that should be plenty of time to get a couple things done before that 2pm appointment, right? WRONG.
Is it just me or is ADHD unpredictable and the symptoms wildly inconsistent in semi consistent ways? It bites us in the butt all too often. It seems to make people think we’re just picking and choosing what we want to do/focus on/remember, etc… I mean, honestly. How many ADHDers HAVEN’T heard the old refrain a thousand times: “Why is it you can focus on a video game for hours but you zone out when I start talking? Why can’t you remember to do the errand I asked but you can remember what you wore the first day of second grade?”
See, though, with all of us ADHDers struggling with this same crap, the common denominator is ADHD. So back off, people. It’s not on purpose. We’re working on it.
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And that’s a wrap! Some of the best freaking ADHD memes on the internet. Which favorites of your am I missing? Drop ’em in the comments!
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