One of the many struggles life with ADHD presents is our perception of time. Ever wonder why people with ADHD are often late (or on the flip side, way too early)? Time blindness. Why we struggle with meeting deadlines? Time blindness. Or why we can get so absorbed in hyperfocus that we forget to eat, […]
Skills development
6 Productivity Tools to Tackle Distractions at Work
Everyone gets distracted at work from time to time; if you have ADHD like me, those distractions add up fast, right?! Wouldn’t it be fabulous if there were productivity tools that could help? Lucky you, it’s 2019 and technology has some good stuff to help aid your memory and time management, reduce distractions at work, […]
How to Be a Better Problem Solver: Tools to Succeed
Having great problem solving tools has been my secret ingredient to overcoming some of the biggest struggles I’ve faced in life. It’s that skill that you may not even realize that you need until someone spells it out for you in explicit detail. The truth is, most people aren’t very good at it and it […]
How to Master that To-Do List When You have ADHD
As an ADHDer, you probably find that your to do list gets unruly and you wonder how to get things done. How many weeks has “clean the house” been on that list? It’s ok, no need to raise your hand– we’ve ALL been there. And once you get around to it, how many times do […]
How to Organize Your Mind to be Productive
Inattention. It’s the antithesis of being productive. It’s hard to get things done when you’re scattered and all over the place inside. Overwhelm comes from having 50,000 mental tabs that keep opening randomly. That makes it hard to be productive. You can’t pay attention or stay focused! So how are you going to get things […]
How to Make ADHD Work for You
A holistic approach to ADHD can make all the difference in the world, if you know what you’re doing. The difficulty that comes with the struggle to regulate attention can’t be understated. But when we incorporate behavior strategies with medical intervention, ADHD doesn’t have to be the monster that it can be. Whether you’ve been […]
This Shy Introvert Loves Networking and You Can, too!
True or False? All shy introverts must hate networking? If you said false I’m going to assume that you were trying to beat the system and you really think it’s true. It’s not you, it’s me. I have yet to meet a person who doesn’t think it’s crazy that someone as socially anxious as I […]