Too many people have an obvious misunderstanding of what ADHD really looks like and how it impacts those of us with it. The HSP ADHD discussion really shows that misunderstanding in a big way. Here’s a hint: people with both HSP and ADHD will often ask themselves before learning more, “Why am I so sensitive?!” […]
mental health
When You Aren’t Living Up to Your Potential
Finding out I had ADHD changed my life Ever been told you weren’t living up to your potential? Been called a space cadet, lazy, or ditzy? Told you should try harder? Struggling to finish things but feeling overwhelmed by everything? And been told it was just anxiety? For years, I was treated for anxiety. I […]
How to Master that To-Do List When You have ADHD
As an ADHDer, you probably find that your to do list gets unruly and you wonder how to get things done. How many weeks has “clean the house” been on that list? It’s ok, no need to raise your hand– we’ve ALL been there. And once you get around to it, how many times do […]
How to Stop Being a Perfectionist Starting Right Now
Fair warning: learning how to stop being a perfectionist is no small nor easy task. If you’ve had your run ins with that all to familiar pit in your stomach and anvil on your chest at the slightest hint of a mistake, you may already know how hard it can be to get rid of […]
Is ADHD Real? Here is the Honest Answer.
This Post Contains Affiliate Links. Google “Is ADHD real” and the first hit that pops up is a misguided article from what you might think would be a trusted source. A therapist wrote it and it’s…WRONG. Does it bother you too? If our doctors and therapists are so misinformed about ADHD, we’ll keep getting misdiagnosed. […]
How to Organize Your Mind to be Productive
Inattention. It’s the antithesis of being productive. It’s hard to get things done when you’re scattered and all over the place inside. Overwhelm comes from having 50,000 mental tabs that keep opening randomly. That makes it hard to be productive. You can’t pay attention or stay focused! So how are you going to get things […]
How to Make ADHD Work for You
A holistic approach to ADHD can make all the difference in the world, if you know what you’re doing. The difficulty that comes with the struggle to regulate attention can’t be understated. But when we incorporate behavior strategies with medical intervention, ADHD doesn’t have to be the monster that it can be. Whether you’ve been […]
Actually, Sometimes Stress is Good For You
This post contains affiliate links. We’ve all heard about the negative effects of stress. I mean, do you remember that commercial about cortisol? I can still hear it playing in my head: “Stress increases cortisol. Cortisol increases belly fat. XYZ products helps reduce belly fat. You need XYZ product!” Funny how that sticks with you. […]
Secrets and Signs of the ADHD Woman
This post contains affiliate links. If you buy from one of my links, I get a small commission at not cost to you. I only recommend things I use and really believe in. In response to my last article on ADHD in women being misdiagnosed, I got so many requests for more information! In my first […]
How to Journal Your Feelings and Get Emotional Release
These 4 detailed strategies will help you find your calm and release those overwhelming emotions while helping you grow in the process.