Mindfulness Meditation for ADHD is one of the few natural strategies that seem to actually help those of us who struggle with attention to regulate our focus. But practicing mindfulness is pretty difficult, even for neurotypicals, so how do those of us with attention dysregulation stand a chance? With a few ADHD style tweaks, mindfulness […]
coping skills
How to Stop Being a Perfectionist Starting Right Now
Fair warning: learning how to stop being a perfectionist is no small nor easy task. If you’ve had your run ins with that all to familiar pit in your stomach and anvil on your chest at the slightest hint of a mistake, you may already know how hard it can be to get rid of […]
Actually, Sometimes Stress is Good For You
This post contains affiliate links. We’ve all heard about the negative effects of stress. I mean, do you remember that commercial about cortisol? I can still hear it playing in my head: “Stress increases cortisol. Cortisol increases belly fat. XYZ products helps reduce belly fat. You need XYZ product!” Funny how that sticks with you. […]
How to Journal Your Feelings and Get Emotional Release
These 4 detailed strategies will help you find your calm and release those overwhelming emotions while helping you grow in the process.
Easy Journaling Tips to Help You Find Peace
Welcome to the next edition of Journaling tips for healing! If you missed the first post, definitely go back and take a look at Journing Mindsets You Need to Use before moving on because it contains some really important mindset shifts that are needed to keep your journaling a healing experience and not a pointless, […]
Your Mind is the Most Important Journaling Technique
Welcome to Episode ONE in my Three part post series on Journaling techniques to find Peace. This first post is foundational and it’s all about your mindset. You will learn to use writing to heal and find peace, by using these effective journaling techniques. Journaling… a waste of time? I used to hate journaling. It […]
How to Self Care When You’re Highly Sensitive & Overstimulated
When you are a highly sensitive person, getting overstimulated is an all-year-round issue. From fun summer cook outs to Thanksgiving and Christmas get togethers, the potential for getting overwhelmed is always there! If you’re like me, you enjoy the buzz of friends and family talking, laughing, and having a good time. But after a while, […]
One Nightmare, Two Ways: A Tale of Interpretations
Oh, the Nightmare that was Self Care Sunday. If you follow me on facebook, you may have seen the self care thread I posted on Sunday, looking a little something like this… Oh, you don’t follow me on facebook? You should get on that 😉 Anyway, I wrote that I was hoping for some pizza […]
9 of the Best Ways to Calm Your Anxiety
One of the most important things you need to know about calming your anxiety is that anxiety is kinda like the night shift. Bear with me for a minute and I’ll explain… A few years ago, I had the horror, the one that I will no longer dignify to name. The shift that must not […]
Dog Magic: Superheros of Support
I don’t get people who don’t love dogs. Is it just me? The mister insists that he’s a cat person…bleh. To me, the puppy eyes, slobbery kisses, and clumsy exuberance of a dog is…perfection. Like, we think man is the pinnacle of creation but in reality God was like, “hey bro, you’re missing unconditional love […]