We’ve all heard the stories. So and so started a gluten free diet and it made their ADHD symptoms SO much better! Better focus! Better Memory! The kids are so much calmer without gluten. It really makes you wonder, is there anything to it? Gluten, Celiac, Gluten Sensitivity, and ADHD Gluten is a protein that’s […]
The Do’s and Don’t-s of Getting Glutened
The Dreaded gluten monster strikes again. Join me for my tale of woe. Well, comedy and woe….my woe, your comedy. That’s more like it. Get this: I’m at a friend’s house hanging out and we decide to order take out. No problem, I think to myself, I’ll just give the people really clear instructions for […]
Celiac Part 2: Then Comes Shame
In March of this year I was diagnosed with celiac (more about that here). I thought everything was fine once I got the diagnosis–I had some rose colored glasses on thinking “No big deal! I didn’t need donuts and pizza anyway…” That denial lasted for a few weeks before it hit me pretty hard that […]
Celiac Disease and the Gluten Free Diet
Not so long ago, and not so far away, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and had to start a gluten free diet. That was almost 20 years after my dad was diagnosed with Celiac. It runs in families, you see… And because of that and the fact that I love to research things, I […]