We’ve all heard the stories. So and so started a gluten free diet and it made their ADHD symptoms SO much better! Better focus! Better Memory! The kids are so much calmer without gluten. It really makes you wonder, is there anything to it? Gluten, Celiac, Gluten Sensitivity, and ADHD Gluten is a protein that’s […]
Signs of ADHD (As Seen on TV)
Ever watched your favorite show and thought, “Wow! That was such an ADHD moment!” ? TV is a great place to see the signs of ADHD in action: attention problems, impulse control, hyperactivity, and on it goes. You just have to know where to look! If you’ve ever wondered if you could have ADHD, here […]
ADHD & eating disorders: What You Need to Know
It’s only in recent years that we’ve really started to uncover the link between ADHD and eating disorders or weight. What we’ve found so far has been pretty shocking. ADHD and Binge Eating, Bulimia, and Obesity share the strongest links. Until digging into the numbers, I had no idea. But ADHD impacts every part of […]
Do I Have ADHD or Anxiety? Here’s How to Tell
Do I have Anxiety or ADHD? Forget ‘To be, or not to be?’ This is the real question and it can be a surprisingly tough one to answer (especially when they occur together, but we’ll get to that). If you’ve been around Little Miss Lionheart for long, you probably know that I’m a mental health […]
What You Need to Know About Medication for ADHD Women
ADHD medication for adults tends to be a hot topic with a lot of bad information in circulation. But taking a stimulant was one of the best decisions I made for myself as an ADHD woman and it’s time to clear up some myths that won’t seem to die. Let’s start off with something important…I’m […]
ADHD: Disorder or Gift? It’s a Dialectic
Is ADHD a disorder or a gift? Friend or foe? Blessing or curse? I was surprised to find this question inspires a lot of controversy in the ADHD realm. In case you aren’t familiar, ADHD is classified as a disability–one that’s protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Although some still don’t believe ADHD is […]
I Should Have Known It Was ADHD When….
I’ve had ADHD problems since I was a kid, but wasn’t diagnosed until I was 28 years old. Off and on throughout the years, I’d had passing thoughts and a few people ask if I had ADHD but ultimately I really had no clue. Looking back though, I realize that these things [could or should […]
4 Better Ways to Practice Mindfulness Meditation for ADHD
Mindfulness Meditation for ADHD is one of the few natural strategies that seem to actually help those of us who struggle with attention to regulate our focus. But practicing mindfulness is pretty difficult, even for neurotypicals, so how do those of us with attention dysregulation stand a chance? With a few ADHD style tweaks, mindfulness […]
The Surprising Truth About HSP And ADHD
Too many people have an obvious misunderstanding of what ADHD really looks like and how it impacts those of us with it. The HSP ADHD discussion really shows that misunderstanding in a big way. Here’s a hint: people with both HSP and ADHD will often ask themselves before learning more, “Why am I so sensitive?!” […]
When You Aren’t Living Up to Your Potential
Finding out I had ADHD changed my life Ever been told you weren’t living up to your potential? Been called a space cadet, lazy, or ditzy? Told you should try harder? Struggling to finish things but feeling overwhelmed by everything? And been told it was just anxiety? For years, I was treated for anxiety. I […]